Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I must apologize for issuing so many goddamned albums through KSV, but when my muse wraps her thighs around my skull I find it almost impossible to resist the urge to gnaw, bite, and howl. There's still more on the way, of course - Karl's second volume of Remediated and Decontextualized Field Recordings (KSV 035) is nearly complete, and the five or six titles previously announced (and not yet unleashed) are in various stages of nascence.

(Karl Schmidt - Remediated and Decontectualized Field Recordings Vol. 2; coming soon!)

If you haven't plunked down your hard-earned currency for the Three Resurrected Drunkards album, do so quickly - they're nearly gone. The TS/Black Fiji collection is SOLD OUT. See previous entries for details...

Merci as always for every iota of support, feedback, etc.



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