Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Karl Schmidt Verlag: Free Album Available for Download!

Hello All,

I began the Karl Schmidt Verlag label in November 2008, shortly after my move to Hannover, Germany.

Envisioned as a wholly private imprint, KSV does no press, issues no promo materials, and is intended strictly for enthusiasts. KSV caters to the advanced aesthetics of its customers by offering micro-edition releases of artworks that defy, renounce, disrupt and dismember the usual, deadening contemporary tropes and wan "extremes."

We publish music, books, the odd short film collection. Some of you have them all.

(Thank you!)

To show our gratitude, we've prepared a free, album-length mega-mix version of the first 47 albums released on KSV.

KSV 057 Hussey He Sisters - Karl Schmidt Verlag Master Mix Nov 2009

If you want it, take it.

Go here!

Of course, if you didn't realize we existed, and thus didn't know - depending on your inclinations - what you were missing, then we have only been doing our job. I trust you'll forgive us if we adopt a less private stance, at least for this brief moment...


About KSV 057:

Hussey He Sisters - Karl Schmidt Verlag Master Mix Nov 2009 (KSV 057)

Compiled, mixed and produced by Hussey He Sisters at KSV HQ, Hannover, on November 27-28.

01 KSV Master Mix Nov 2009 (52:14)

Artwork by Karl.

Mastered by Linda, Viola & Uwe at Slab Alucard, Cluj-Napoca.

Unlimited edition.


Vielen Dank!


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