Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hot Off the Teletype from KSV!

Hello Good People!

Very happy to present the latest micro-edition from Karl Schmidt Verlag:

KSV 056 Alexei Borisov & Olga Nosova - Salon am Lichtenbergplatz

This is the complete aktion from Sunday evening, minus ten unnecessarily recorded minutes of random post-performance gab. Those in attendance witnessed a transcendent set from Olga and Alexei, one that evoked the sounds of garbled line readings broadcast from blasted obsidian sets of outer-galactic, multi-species melodramas. Just terrific.

I joined the duo for a short collaborative set afterwards; all has been stitched together, sans the usual interim shuffling and shifting.


Alexei Borisov - voice, electronics
Olga Nosova - voice, electronics, and percussion


Tom Smith - voice and texts

01 Complete Performance (43:31)

Edition of 15.



As usual. € 8.49 EU / € 10.00 elsewhere / €1 for each additional album


Many, many thanks!



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